Well guys today we gonna have this guide that maybe is going to be impossible for some of you, can be the trigger to do some strike, you ever want to know what is the view youre president of state? This guide going to show you the little secrets of this position!!! Let’s go ahead!!!! For the start you guys know theres 2 conditions to be president of state.
- Your alliance stay 3 hours in castle and win the right to rule
- Your alliance leader/you as leader choose you as President
First change going to be in your profile, having the Lion icon in the top of your avatar

This is the main page of your Throne where you can see the hero you selected before… chilling

2- One time use. You can change your state flag/banner to any country flag, WOS have in the system as language

3- Board (CD 6H) every 6h you can post any announcement in this board, leading to every player in state get this message in his/her inbox.

4- Your info as President, this icons have little surprises for you. This are only for your personal use and information

Second button going to have this small gift for you as president. Dont worry it’s totally free

Now we have the duties you have whit your server

Since you are nice persona kind and honorable you have access to next button. Grant, this button allows you to send gifts to some single players, this rewards are divided in 3 kinds of rewards

2- Medium rewards, you can send this rewards only 5 times. Same as The biggest I’m only sharing the good items

3- 30 rewards for people you like from the server. Take a loot and enjoy

Server Event Skills

The first skill allow you as president to have some gems but … 1.2k

And you will see this skills are based in coins purchase, what are this coins you will say?

So this guide come to the end so we have exposed what are the little secrets of being president. You can know what you can get of you handle to be the leader of enough friendly to be named as president in rotation for your server